Get to Know Us

 The Church of the Pilgrimage – it’s about a community of people joining together to grow in faith while caring for each other and the wider world.

“Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey,
You are Welcome here.”

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The Church of the Pilgrimage: we are a community of people worshipping, serving and caring for each other— together!  Like our Pilgrim ancestors, We strive to “walk in God’s ways, known or to be made know to us”.

We share and grow our faith in many ways – through worship; religious education; stewardship and missions. We extend an extravagant welcome to all those who visit us for Sunday Service and all our church events.  Join us and see if this is a community for you too!

Come hear our wonderful choir perform during Worship or maybe our junior and cherub choirs practicing for next week’s piece. Enjoy our recently refurbished organ.

At coffee hour, you can chat and get to know others during our time of fellowship —-don’t forget to sample the homemade treats!. Learn about our Mission work. Sign up for Monday meals or to help make blankets. We have Christian Education for our young.  And the young at heart!

Our special church events and fundraisers are open to the public and all are welcomed! These include:

• The Harvest Fair

• Thanksgiving Open House

• Christmas Nativity Display

• Plymouth Tree Lighting Open House

• Time and Talent Auction

• Midweek Lenten Meals and Worship

• Church Picnic

We invite you to join us Sundays for worship at 10:00 am —-with coffee and fellowship afterwards. We are a Welcoming Congregation—We celebrate the presence and participation of all people.

Our facilities are wheelchair accessible through a ramp we have running from School Street into our Sanctuary. We have an elevator to take visitors from our front-side entrance up to the Sanctuary too.


Each Sunday service and sermon is unique and by attending more than once, you will be able to get a better feel for who we are and what we do. A typical service includes church announcements, a scripture lesson, children’s message, sermon, prayers and music selections. On the first Sunday of the month, we celebrate Communion. Sometimes you may hear from a guest preacher or members of the congregation.


We offer child care for little ones in our onsite nursery staffed with a dedicated Director and a church member volunteer. This allows parents to relax and enjoy the Worship Service.

For slightly older children, we welcome them in our multi-generational community. On most Sundays, after sharing the first part of the morning together, children hear a special message and then have the option to go take part in Sunday school. Children are always welcome to choose to remain in the Sanctuary with their families for the full service. We know that children’s learning and faith formation happens in many ways, from being part of traditional services to engaging with spiritual teachings through focused play, art, cooking and storytelling. Our children’s programs are robust and offer many wonderful opportunities to meet other children and learn about our faith.


 We are a progressive mainline Protestant church and a member of the United Church of Christ denomination.  As such, we seek to grow our faith in God and learn from Jesus’ teachings and examples. We respect that each of us brings our own understandings of God as the Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer.  We are a people of covenant not creed.  This means we do not require all those who join us to believe exactly the same thing. Instead, we covenant as a community, and as a member church of the United Church of Christ, to support and respect each other as we each journey in our faith.

Please visit the “What We Believe” tab to find out more.

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As an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ, we at the Church of the Pilgrimage affirm that each individual is a child of God, and recognize that we are called to be like one body with many members, seeking with others of every race, ethnicity, creed, class, age, gender, marital status, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression to journey together toward the promised realm of God.